Algal leaf spot Cephaleuros virescens
Anthracnose Colletotrichum gleosporioides
Pink disease Erythricium salmonicolor Symptoms White, silk-like threads at forks of branches which coalesce to form a pink crust during wet conditions; twigs and branches above this site may be killed and foliage will begin to dry out and die; orange pustules may be present on infected bark Cause Fungus Comments Pink disease is a destructive disease of mango grown in the wet tropics Management If pink disease is identified the recommended treatment is an application of an appropriate fungicide which can be applied by spraying or painting onto infected bark with a paintbrush Powdery mildew Odium mangiferae
Sooty mold Several species of fungus
Bacterial black spot(Bacterial canker) Xanthomonas campestris
Fruit fly Ceratitis cosyra |
Symptoms The adult female flies lay egg just under the skin of semi repine fruits. The maggots develop and feed inside the fruit, causing the flesh to turn brown and soft which emits foul smell. This damage also act as entry site for fungal and bacterial pathogens. Cause Insect Comments The mature maggots fall out of the fruits and pupate in soil. Management 1. Collect the fallen fruits and destroy them. 2. Also harvest fruits early to reduce flies damage . 3. Use traps to monitor fruit flies. Traps can be purchased in the market or one can prepare themselves. Take plastic container with lids (one quarts yogurt container is fine). Drill holes (10 to 16 holes) that are 3/16-inch in diameter around the upper side of the container. Add 1 to 2 inch of pure apple cider vinegar (not flavored one) and a drop of unscented liquid dishwashing soap into the container. Hang the container in shade near berry trees before fruits ripening and check the traps frequently for flies. Change the vinegar every week. 5. Spraying protein bait under leaf surface attract flies to single spot which make easier to kill them. 4. If infestation is severe spray suitable insecticide. |
Mango hoppers Idioscopus clypealis
Idioscopus nitidulus
Amritodus atkinsoni
Mango mealybugs Drosicha mangiferae
Symptoms Both nymphs and female insects sucks sap form all parts mango tree (i.e., tender leaves, shoots and inflorescence). The infected inflorescences may dry up affecting the fruit set and may cause fruit drop. Severely infected plants may show wilting and thereby affect fruit setting. Cause Insect Comments a. Mealybugs lay eggs in soil near tree trunk. b. The mealybugs secrete the honey dew which causes sooty mold. c. It feeds on wide range of plant species. Management 1. Collect and burn fallen leaves and twigs. 2. Flooding orchard with water during October kills egg present in soil. Also deep ploughing in November exposes egg to sunlight. 3. After hatching the nymphs start climbing tree and suck sap. To avoid this band the tree trunks with polythene sheet (400 gauge, 30 cm wide) at a height of about 30 cm from the ground level and apply grease at the lower edge of band. Or you can use Funnel Type Slippery Traps. 4. To control insects already on tree you can spray fish oil rosin soap or azadirachtin (neem products). 5. Also soil application of the spores of the fungus, Beauveria bassiana helps in reducing mealybug population. 6. If infestation is severe you can spray suitable insecticides |
Mango tree borer Batocera rufomaculata
Symptoms Mango tree borer damage may first be noticed as circular holes in the bark. This damage indicates that the tree has been attacked by borers which have chewed exit holes in the wood. Mango tree borers feed on the bark of twigs and chew green growing tips; when feeding damage is severes, branches may be killed and the main stem of the tree may collapse; insect frass (feces) collects in cracks in the bark and around the base of the tree; holes become visible in the bark. Cause Insect Comments Mango tree borers are a pest of mango trees in many parts of Asia, Africa, Central America, the Caribbean and the Solomon Islands; female tree borers lay their eggs in an incision made in damaged mango bark; larvae bore through the wood as they feed and eventually pupate within the tree; adult insects emerge from an exit hole that they cut in the wood. adult insects are 25–55 mm long with distinctive long antennae which extend the length of the body Management Application of appropriate insecticide to the trunk and branches of the tree when adult insects are present acts to kill any eggs and larvae that are present; insecticide applied to growing twigs and green shoots may deter adult feeding; probing injury sites with a knife or piece of wire can help to destroy larvae and eggs. |
White Mango Scale Aulacaspis tubercularis
Symptoms Scale insects suck the sap from leaves, branches and fruits which causes defoliation, drying up of young twigs, poor blossoming and also affect the quality of fruits by causing conspicuous pink blemishes. Infestation of young plants results in retard growth. In case of severe infestation the fruits may fall prematurely, whereas the mature fruits are reduced in size. Another major problem with scale insect is the development of sooty mold due to honeydew secretion. Cause Insect Comments The insect have wide host range and can be seen in all mango growing countries like Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Italy and in many South American countries. Management Remove the infested plant parts and burn them. Spraying emulsive oil or suitable insecticides at recommended quantity will helps in reducing scale population. |
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